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Your oral health is the foundation for everything we do.
At Esthetic Dentistry, we make your dental and periodontal wellness our top priority. Oral health is at its best when your teeth and gums are free from various problems like pain, oral cancer, gum disease, decay, lost teeth and many other concerns affecting the mouth. We offer you excellent diagnostics as well as preventative and restorative treatments to achieve optimum oral health. With healthy teeth and gums, a beautiful smile follows. Dr. Taline and Dr. Sako will show you how a truly beautiful smile can be experienced with excellent oral health.
During your initial oral health exam, we start with oral cancer screening. We check your head and neck for any suspicious lesions, lumps or abnormalities. We will also visually inspect areas of concern around your soft tissues. A dental exam then follows after this preliminary screening.
The dental exam starts with a visual inspection of your teeth and a full set of x-rays. We also take intra-oral images so that we can point out potential problems, like a fractured tooth (see photo on the right). Then, we will assess your gum health, beginning with periodontal probing. This is done to check the status of your gums around each tooth as well as check for gum recession, bleeding, and any plaque and tartar buildup. With state of the art tools, we are able to give you a comprehensive assessment of your dental and periodontal state.
With an oral health exam, we are able to plan your treatment well for healthy teeth and gums. The correct diagnosis leads to more beneficial dental treatments. We at Esthetic Dentistry perform dental treatments based on careful analysis and intelligent diagnosis. Our practice is located in Downtown Los Angeles, CA where being able to keep patients coming back for a healthy smile is our biggest goal. Here is a testimonial from one of our happy, satisfied patients.
Come to Esthetic Dentistry today and receive the best diagnostics and proper treatment planning for your optimum oral health. Smiling with healthy teeth and gums gives you the confidence to smile beautifully! We look forward to seeing you smile with healthy, great-looking teeth!
© 2023 Esthetic Dentistry Los Angeles • 213-693-3021 • 1080 Wilshire Blvd, Los Angeles, Ca 90017